It’s starting to feel like summer in northern Michigan. Last week, we saw eighty degrees nearly every day. Wowza! It’s quite heavenly in all honesty. We spent most of the week at Higgins Lake, a beautiful crystal clear ice-cold lake nestled among the trees. Despite the frigid waters, my little Avery happily wades out and tries his little body at swimming.
In writing news, I’m nearly 40,000 words into Book 5 and plan to set a pre-order date for late July. It’s been an exciting unfolding-this final book in the series, which may not be so final after all. I plan to do a cover reveal in the next couple of weeks and I’m excited to see what my designer Rena comes up. Happy June to you and good luck with your reading, writing inspiration, and any other sunshiny pursuits you have in store for the summer.